Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!! I remember when I was in elementary school, my classmates and I talked about how writing the date 01/01/01, 02/02/02… 12/12/12 was pretty awesome!  And now we are in that final year!

For my New Year’s Resolution, I want to craft more.  I always get super busy with school and I forget to do all the DIY projects I had in my head or that I find online.  Pinterest is soo addicting!  My Pinterest is here.

I decided to do some interesting hair for New Year’s Eve this year.  I got the idea from Crochet Clouds.  I used the same technique to do my hair.  I only had green pipe-cleaners sitting around in my stash though.

I was really in the Valentine’s day mood, so I hung up my decorations early and also did my makeup with little hearts too.