Month: March 2014

DIY Gold & Lace Flower Pots

Hello World,

Spring is right around the corner, and I am so ready for it. Even though this winter wasn’t very harsh, I have always been a warmer weather girl. Today’s project is perfect if you want to bring some spring inside your home. Check out the tutorial below to make your own gold and lace flower pots:

1. Gather your supplies: flower pots (I bought a 3-pack at Dollar Tree), spray paint, lace trim, Mod Podge, a brush, clear gloss spray paint (not pictured), and scissors (not pictured).

2. At first, I just spray painted my flower pots gold. Well, the paint didn’t stick and dusted off when I touched them. I then sprayed them with clear spray paint and allowed that to dry.

3. I then spray painted them gold, and the paint did stick. Allow colored paint to dry.

4. Apply Mod Podge to your flower pot lip.

5. Place your lace trim where you applied the Mod Podge. Trim lace so it barely overlaps.

6. Apply Mod Podge on top of the lace. Allow to dry.

7. Fill with soil and add some happy little plants.

Happy Crafting!

Complementary Colors Smoothie

Hello World,

I am not a big breakfast person and usually cannot eat as soon as I wake up. I can’t skip breakfast though because I’ll be a snack monster until lunch time. This is one of the reasons I love smoothies. They are quick, can mask veggies, and when I use a straw, I can mindlessly drink one just while doing my morning reading of Mashable and Facebook.

I must admit that my smoothies usually don’t look pretty though, and it’s because of complementary colors. Complementary colors are colors directly across from each other on the color wheel.  Use them both in a design, and you’ll have a perfectly harmonious piece. Mix them together though, and they’ll create some rather murky results.

When I make a smoothie, I don’t measure anything. I just eyeball it. My mom bought me a single serve blender this last Christmas, and I love how easily it is to whip up just the perfect amount.

For simple smoothie “recipe” you will just need: strawberries, spinach, frozen banana, instant oatmeal, and almond milk. If you want your smoothie sweeter, add honey. Want it thicker? Add yogurt or ice. Whatever tickles your fancy.

(If you are wondering why the frozen banana in the photo above is brownish, it is because whenever my bananas start to over-ripen, I throw them in the freezer. The peel will turn dark brown, but they still taste fine in my opinion.)

If food can be pretty, I’d say my smoothies look pretty before I blend them. See how the red pops against the green in the photo above? That’s complementary colors for you.

And then the blender happens, and we are left with a reddish/greenish/brownish/murky smoothie. If I didn’t add spinach, my smoothie would be a nice pink color. If you want to avoid a gross-looking smoothie, just don’t mix complementary colors and you’ll be set!

Another one of my favorite smoothie combos is to use coconut yogurt, almond milk, frozen pineapple, and peanut butter.

What do you put in your smoothies?

DIY Moss Typography

Hello World,

Let’s be honest. I have a typography problem. I love both sans serif and scripted typefaces. I sometimes pay more for a product just because it has great packaging. I know, #designerproblems. My hands-down favorite is Futura, and I use it for all my blog/Etsy branding. (Fun fact- Futura is so cool it actually is on the moon!)

Now that I have put that on the table, you can see why I am really excited to share today’s tutorial. This is a quick project that only cost me a dollar. I decided to go with handwritten lettering, and a simple “hello.”

1. Gather your supplies: artificial moss (I got mine for $1 at Dollar Tree), an old cereal box, scissors, hot glue gun, and glue sticks.

2. Print or draw out your word on the cardboard. It is okay if you have drawing errors, as you will be covering them later.

3. Cut out your word with scissors. If you have trouble cutting with the inside of some letters, try using an X-Acto knife.

4. Apply hot glue to your cardboard. Press moss onto the area, being careful not to burn yourself.

5. Continue for the rest of your word.

6. If your edges are messy, give your word a little trim.

And tada! You could either glue this to a canvas, or just place on a shelf. Mine is on a windowsill and doesn’t flop over.

Happy Crafting!

PS. Please do not ever use Papyrus. Find something way better for free at